Hello brothers, how are you guys?
Jérémie (guitars): Hails to Purpose Zine and to all the Metalheads reading !

Well, DIKTAT is quite an old Brutal Death Metal band Mathieu (vocals), Alex and me (both on guitars) created together during the end of the 90's. We found musicians and learn to play together to record our first demo tape on 2000. After several line up problems with bassists and drummers, we were back on 2007 with a 2nd demo, named II. With these 2 demos, we did a lot of gigs, and some with famous bands. Infortunately, several changes of drummers impeded the band since. Romain joined us on drums 2 years ago. First he had to work hardly to work on our songs and now, we're working on new ones with the aim of recording a new ep as soon as possible.
What is the meaning of Diktat?
In the dictionary: A harsh, punitive settlement or decree imposed unilaterally on a defeatednation, political party, etc. Any decree or authoritative statement. Actually, anything imposed.
How do you write your songs and what is the usual theme?
Each of us brings riffs, rythms and ideas and we put it together to make our songs. Mathieu write the lyrics and we don't have any restrictive theme. But lyrics have to be as brutal as the music. Otherwise, our influences are above all in Heavy Metal, Thrash Metal, Death Metal, Black Metal, but also in different kinds of music as Classical, Jazz, Flamenco, Rock, African or Indian music... We actually listen to a lot of different things.
What makes Diktat's brand of metal stand out? and why should we listen to it?

Line up changes in your band, how does it affects you and how are you guys dealing with it?
I can say we lost a lot of time, patience, spirit and motivation with all those line up changes. Fortunately, line up problems have been ending since Romain joined the band on drums, 2 years ago. We're satisfied with with playing and involvement and Diktat line up is strong now.
How is the metal scene there in France?
A lot of bands and a lot of people involved in the underground Metal scene, through zines, distros, rados, gigs... A lot of underground gigs and most of the mainstream Metal bands or famous extreme Metal ones come and play here, in Paris. In France, the thing that sucks is french people don't know Metal exists. Most of people here don't even know Iron Maiden or Metallica. But it's starting to change with the Hellfest which is growing up.
Have you already played outside France?
Yes, in Belgium and Germany.
Desecrator, Department Of Correction, Gorod, Henker, Upheaval, Injuria, Desarticulate.
Thanks for your time brothers, and i hope it gave readers an idea about your band, any few last words?
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