A fund raiser show for Dennis"Motmot" Matibag of Isvarah
Purpose Webzine
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Hello brothers, how are you guys?
Jérémie (guitars): Hails to Purpose Zine and to all the Metalheads reading !

Well, DIKTAT is quite an old Brutal Death Metal band Mathieu (vocals), Alex and me (both on guitars) created together during the end of the 90's. We found musicians and learn to play together to record our first demo tape on 2000. After several line up problems with bassists and drummers, we were back on 2007 with a 2nd demo, named II. With these 2 demos, we did a lot of gigs, and some with famous bands. Infortunately, several changes of drummers impeded the band since. Romain joined us on drums 2 years ago. First he had to work hardly to work on our songs and now, we're working on new ones with the aim of recording a new ep as soon as possible.
What is the meaning of Diktat?
In the dictionary: A harsh, punitive settlement or decree imposed unilaterally on a defeatednation, political party, etc. Any decree or authoritative statement. Actually, anything imposed.
How do you write your songs and what is the usual theme?
Each of us brings riffs, rythms and ideas and we put it together to make our songs. Mathieu write the lyrics and we don't have any restrictive theme. But lyrics have to be as brutal as the music. Otherwise, our influences are above all in Heavy Metal, Thrash Metal, Death Metal, Black Metal, but also in different kinds of music as Classical, Jazz, Flamenco, Rock, African or Indian music... We actually listen to a lot of different things.
What makes Diktat's brand of metal stand out? and why should we listen to it?

Line up changes in your band, how does it affects you and how are you guys dealing with it?
I can say we lost a lot of time, patience, spirit and motivation with all those line up changes. Fortunately, line up problems have been ending since Romain joined the band on drums, 2 years ago. We're satisfied with with playing and involvement and Diktat line up is strong now.
How is the metal scene there in France?
A lot of bands and a lot of people involved in the underground Metal scene, through zines, distros, rados, gigs... A lot of underground gigs and most of the mainstream Metal bands or famous extreme Metal ones come and play here, in Paris. In France, the thing that sucks is french people don't know Metal exists. Most of people here don't even know Iron Maiden or Metallica. But it's starting to change with the Hellfest which is growing up.
Have you already played outside France?
Yes, in Belgium and Germany.
Desecrator, Department Of Correction, Gorod, Henker, Upheaval, Injuria, Desarticulate.
Thanks for your time brothers, and i hope it gave readers an idea about your band, any few last words?
Natal Cleft
Whats up Zeek, Hows Natal Cleft? Please introduce the band and tell us how it started.
Zeek - Horns up Cyril.Before answering your question,the band would like to thank you for always supporting us.You are a certified CLEFTomaniac indeed hehehehe.We really appreciate your kick ass support.Hahahah if we were gays or girls,we would suck your metal dick hahahahahah
We are doing good.One step at a time for the recording of our album.Natal Cleft was formed in 2003.Me and Atan Elias(guitarist and schoolmate in UP) were the founders.We recorded one track entitled "particles of hate" and Warner Music was interested but unfortunately our drummer left because of family matters.We were dormant for about 2 years but we continued searching for our kindred souls in music.Auditions here and there and right now I can say that this is the best line up we've got.We have Rex Bontuyan on bass,Darrs Diaz on guitars and Den2 Moga on drums.
We are planning to release the album early 2013 or earlier(hope so).We are doing our best to find time amidst our different schedules.Our sound engineer is Darrs Diaz(our guitarist) and we are recording our stuff in D'studio,a studio in his sala.DIY stuff.
How would you describe "Particles of Hate"?- Zeek - To those who are waiting for it and also to the ones that are not very familiar with your music and lyrics?From this album,one can expect dynamics in our sound.We want it to be creative and unpredictable.
- You are now getting a lot of recognition not only here but also outside the country, how does it feel? Being recognized globally is better than sex hehehe.We are very passionate about our craft and appreciation from metalheads and musicians themselves are our payday.We just want to share our music for the love of metal.We made it to top 1 in metal charts at Signmeto with Roadrunner Records.And it seemed surreal that international radio stations and web radios are asking for our songs to have airplay.
We were invited to have a European tour with NIGHTRAGE,DEADLOCK,DEVASTATING ENEMY and SCAR OF THE SUN.But unfortunately DEADLOCK could not do the tour.They told us to update the band on future tours.
Please tell something about the sound of Natal Cleft.
Zeek - We call Natal Cleft's sound as cerebral metal.We want it to be something unique and we are happy coz somehow we have achieved it through the praises of our metal brothers and sisters.According to them,we have created our own unique sound and the songwriting is original.To each his own but its up to the listener how he perceives our songs
Your private music fascinations, what about it? How it influenced Natal Cleft's sounds?
Zeek - Personally,I listen to all kinds of genre.I look up to the creative songwriting of the band.Me and my sister are avid fans of Death.I also dig Artillery,Tool,A Perfect Circle,Toxik,Sadus,Demigod,Protector,Bathory,Judas Priest and Dissection.Hehehehe I also adore Coheed and Cambria,Smashing Pumpkins,Porcupine Tree and Foo Fighters heheh guilty pleasures.Oh include Adele,Xenia(from The Voice) and Skunk Anansie.

Our guitarist Atan Elias is also a fanatic of Death.Chuck is our man hehehehehe.Ask Atan about the Beatles and he knows everything aheheheeh.Atan also likes Frank Zappa,Jeff Buckley(he looks like him hahaha),Pink Floyd and other classic bands.
Our bassist Rex is a Jason Newsted dude heheheeh.This guy took AB Music and also loves the band Onslaught.He also adores classic bands.
Darrs Diaz(guitarist) digs John Petrucci,Steve Vai,Incubus and Paul Gilbert.
Where do you find the inspirations to Natal Cleft’s lyrics?
Zeek - Regarding Natal Cleft lyrics,each song has a theme.I dont stick to one subject.Paradise is political.Particles of Hate and Tortured Heaven is somewhat psychological.
Kamusta ang metal scene sa Cebu, and how do they respond to your music?
The metal scene in Cebu is alive and kicking hehehehe!The passion in metal is present in every horn of our metal brothers and sisters!The veterans are still supporting the new breed of musicians and thats fantastic!
Other Cebuano bands you wanna recommend?

Zeek thanks for the interview, any final comments for our readers and where can they reach you?
Wicked metal greetings from Cebu City to all the readers!666 horns up to Senyor Cyril Mendoza for this zine!
Wicked metal greetings from Cebu City to all the readers!666 horns up to Senyor Cyril Mendoza for this zine!
Words of Todd Mendieta(USA/Costa Rica) on Natal Cleft music
"Great guitar and drum work and sounds very different than the average death metal band around here. Vocals are very high pitched, but I like that only because it is different and I gather thats why A and R rating you so high for your originality. Your drummer fuckin kicks ass! Happy Holidays! You guys must be very tired at the end of you
r set!lol!You guys have pretty much made the rest of these types of bands look like they just stepped out of their diapers!lol!10/10 from me and a pick in my favorites!Your fuckin video is the shit!!! Love you guys! If A and R don't sign you, then there is no hope for any of us!"
13 Steps, whose idea was it and how did it started?
- 12 years ago, in 2000, I formed this band with some friends for hardcore music that i wantted to try.and i didnt know that we can maintain this band that long at that time. haha.
How would you describe 13 Steps' music style?
At present, our music is little bit heavier than the early 13STEPS, however we still make REAL HARDCORE and play them.
What kind of music you set out to play in the beginning? was it Hardcore from the start?
- Yes, as i told you, we organized this band for hardcore music from the beggining.before then, i coverd some heavymetal songs like SKID ROW or PANTERA in some kind of school band. It was awful! ha!
Is there a goal you wanna pursue as a band?
- In my oppinion, our goal is what we maintain this band as long.when im quite old, i wanna be yelling on the stage, like AGNOSTIC FRONT or SICK OF IT ALL who did it already.
- Hardcore scene in korea started in late 90's from the couple of bands, but now there are 20-30 bands on the stage or they're practicing in the basement.
it means this scene is getting biggeer. and our scene is small yet but we gonna get more bigger and i believe we'll have fun in this scene.
Any particular experience that made a big impact on you guys?
- For me, i remind Japan tour in 2010 and pentaportrock festival in 2011.First, Japan tour was really tight like 9 performance in 10 days in many cities of Japan. Although my voice was really bad since third show, it was so good chance that i can experience Japan hardcore scene.
And pentaport is the one of the biggest rock festival in korea, and its not common thing that we played very same day with KORN and the same stage. haha!
Are you guys under any major label?

So, now, we are under the GMC RECORDS in Korea, and in Japan, STRAIGHT-UP RECORDS.
Can we expect a 13 Steps show here in the Philippines?
- Sure. we really wanna play in there. we can play anytime in there if some conditions are fit.
How can we find you on the World Wide Web?
- myspace.com/13steps and search 13STEPS on FACEBOOK
What do you wanna say to our readers and who do you wanna greet?
- "AN-NYOUNG" for everyone who read thin interview. it means HI in korean.
Thanks for the interview brothers and goodluck.
- Thank you Cyril.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Nuclear Punishment
No one can save you from the fury of Nuclear Punishment. From the asylum of Cavite, fueled with C4, gasoline and LPG these five piece will spare no one. Read more to know more about their brutal termulating musick.
Your sound is very technical. How would you define it?Romel:"very technical" I don't think so but we do our best to sound a bit different from the other bands out there.I always encounter this same question every now and then and to honest with you I don't know how to define it properly. But thrash metal has always been our foundation.
Pierminator Termuloid: originally its just a basic disco beat, we just play it double time due to a limited time of recording (Recording so expensive we have to squeeze every sounds we made for each hours) and that's what happens. It's not that technical just a basic disco beat.
Coni: Each one of us has description of this musick that we make. I call this brutal termulating music. I don’t know what it means, im not even a scholar in music. I’m not that very well educated in this subject of genres and stuff. For me it’s just the amalgamation of all the shit that influence us and the musick that we want to play.
What fuels the explosiveness of Nuclear Punishment?
romel:gasoline, lpg, c4 FOX-7 name it . we just want to go out there and play live with our friends and make friends we're not anger driven or hate driven, nuclear punishment is happy peaceful loving band and we promote world peace.
Pierminator Termuloid:Gasoline, C-4, goodbye earth, binladen. I don't know. Once we step up and play, we just have to do what we must.. To party.
COni : it was always our passion to play musick. I mean if you are asking me about fuel I take or toke, I had to say beer, weed and yes great friends to share those vices hehehehe… well we eventually kind of grew up these couple of years and I’m a bit lowering my doses of those coz what motivates me now is my kids, Max and Devon. Sometimes, when I’m holding the microphone, I just think of my kids and ill feel lighter and more contented. Back then it was just my disdain with the world and how shitty it was treatin me. Growing up made me more wiser and a lil bit unperturbed. Hence I don’t like people fighting on our shows, we’ve got gigs that when we play we get interrupted coz fights arise. Now I remind kids just relax and listen to our soothing display of passion. Relax lang kids!

romel:from thrash, death metal, grind, hardcore, polka and techno but to name a few bands that inspire us I'd say Pantera, Slayer, Necrophagist, White Zombie, Necrophagist , Catharsis, Earth Crisis, Cannibal Corpse, The red Chord, Madball, Simple Plan and My Gaymichal Romance.
Pierminator Termuloid:I say metal from early 80's to late 90's and a bit of 00's. However, we love listening to disco music form late 70's to early 90's
Coni: my greatest influence would be my bandmates, my truest of friends, cartoons, video games and the shitty place I grew up called Pag-asa. For music, It would be Catharsis (CrimeThinc), What Happens next?, The Dillinger escape plan, Andy Mckee, Alice in Chains, Helmet, Pigdestroyer… fuck I listen to a bunch of stuff you wouldt think id be listening to hehehehe.. for the local scene its our buddies from xFeudx, Half the Battle, Down from the wound, Youth for Crust, Loss of Control, Religious Nightmare, Pus vomit, Richard Collier, The beauty of Doubt, some old skoll Dead Ends, G.I.+ Idiots and all those bands (even shitty ones) we’ve played with and all those we got to hung out and get acquainted w/ in our existence in this so called scene.
• What does NP have that others do not?
romel:we have the best sex appeal that you can ever imagine and we have the worst work ethic that other bands don't have.
Pierminator Termuloid:We have big dicks that can penetrate.. Sorry bout that. We're not just a band, we're brothers. We've been hanging out our asses for more than ten years and been friends for more than 20 years. Maybe that's what we have that others don't. Seriously.
Coni:Me mike and john, we all grew up together. We 3 were classmates since grade 1. Mike and pao got to be classmates in high school. While romel is a cousin of our common friend. Mike, pao and I live just a stone throw away from each other. We all grew up in this shitty hapless place called PAG-ASA. (How Ironic ) well we play what we want for fun and don’t follow trends or just stick with one shit sound progression chugga chugga that if you think about it is nauseatingly redundant. Who the fuck wants to sound like someone else?! Well I think were not the only ones who has these factors so I think we aint that too special. Im just proud that tru thick and thin we’re still alive doin what we love to do.
What are the usual theme of your songs
romel:back in the days it was war in the middle east, nowadays anything goes like personal experience and shit.

Pierminator Termuloid:To be honest.. I don't fuckin know our lyrics. Damn.
Coni: Well it differs from each and every song. I mostly write those words, just random toughts sometimes. Sometimes im driven by what shit im into at that time. Common themes are Wars (within thyself and those you get to watch on the news), friendship, drugs, women, instability in the system and ourselves. I try to stray to the perverse shit that we associated with coz chicks don’t dig it hehehehe.
• Do you think NP already achieved its desired sound?
romel:personally speaking, I think we're on our way there and with the new songs that we're working I'd say that we will outdo our previous works to date. It will be the continuation of the Iron Mongoloid ep. It's a shame that we can't still play it live but you know how it goes. Never rush good shits.
Pierminator Termuloid:Not yet, we're still waiting for the calculation of quantum physics to be add up on our sounds.
Coni: No, not yet, im not yet contened with what we sound. We always outdo ourselves. Its just that we aint getting much practice as a band in a while. Fuck if we were, we’d be kicking those shitty bands you see on tv and spitting on those trendy bands in the face. Hahahaha nah were not that fucked up. We are just messin with you folks. There are pending new songs that as of now I’m just imagining people wouldn’t be moshing to or they would be dancing coz they just don’t understand it or it wouldn’t be even danceable for they wouldn’t know what was happening and ponder, “what the hell are these guys playing?” me like that!.
• Pag hindi banda, Any other thing that keeps you guys busy?
romel:not much I just download tons of shit over the internet like UFC events, Bluray Films and series like Simpsons if that counts and I personally collect sports cars cause i'm a Zillionaire I just bought a new Ferrari " Termulator" 261 that I personally designed and it will be out spring of 2017 so check that out.

Coni: maliban sa pagiging ulirang ama, pumupunta ako sa bahay ng ermats at ermats ko makikikain ng mga paborito kong luto ng nanay ko. Nagbabasa ng mga manga, libro, fanzines, nagbubuo ng mga models, gundams, macross. Manood ng cartoons (kengkoy ika nga ng nanay ko) Simpsons, beavis and butt-head, futurama at kung ano ano pang mga ok na animasyon. Sasabihin ko sana kumantot pero kasi wala na e dina masyado ka kahalay kasi lagi naman na ginagawa at legal na kasi e. Ang gusto kong gawin ule yung makipagtalik sa dalawang tsiks halin-hingan. namimis ko na yung mga ganung panahon hehehehe… at syempre di mawawala ang kahit isang araw sa isang lingo na tatambay ako sa kalsada ng PAG-ASA umiinom ng malamig na serbesa at sumisindi ng napagandang Chonki kasama ang mga kaibigan ko at mga kabanda ko. Masyado kasing maiksi ang buhay para lagyan ang baga/katawan ng mga kemikal (e.g shabu), sigarilyo at ano pa mang bagay na wala namang tama.
I know Coni have a Gundam toy collection. meron pa bang iba? Ano pa ang ibang hobbies ninyo?
Pierminator Termuloid:Before, i love to collect Hardcore Porn Movies from romel, pao and coni. Yep they have this huge collection that can reach up to 1 terra bite of different scandals, hardcore porn and hentai's but now, Im collecting some children's educational dvd package like sesame street etc. for my baby and collect money for my wife . That's my hobby these days.
Coni: I think that I have answered that on that last question. I used to be so fucked up by mechs since is was a kid so when I landed a job and had money I bought every toy I want to get when I was a kid but when my 2nd son, Devon was born, I had to sacrifice my wants for the needs of my family…Oh yea I forgot I love to play retro video games, old school RPGs and any fucking game I can get ahold of from gameboy, sega, playstation, Nintendo to those games on my mobile phone. I have tons of games on my pc using emulators for even arcade games from the 90’s and 80’s…Ang isang alam kong gustong gustong gawin naming lahat e kumain ng spaghetti!!!
• What have you been listening to lately?
Pierminator Termuloid:I'm listening to old sepultura, old machine head, white zombie, the never ending municipal waste, misery index and andy rehfeldt's channel in you tube. Sometimes, i waste my time into some classic baduy musics.. I miss my childhood when i listen to them. Try Gary V. and MC Hammer.

After 10 or 20 years do you still see yourselves playing?
romel:I'd say we still have 10 years left and after that if we can still play fast I mean we'll go still.
Pierminator Termuloid:Yeah! I'll jam with my son in the future.
Coni: Hell fucking yea! Ill be doin this till I die. Well there aint no blood pact that we promised ourselves but we all want to do this for as long as we have the passion for it.
Any Future plans?
romel:by April I will push that we record our new songs and finally release it everywhere we will start with Russia then Japan then USA and finally Philippines after that I think we'll do our "World Termulation Tour".
Pierminator Termuloid:I got lots of future plans. By the way, Im doing some plans, if you need a plan for your house, contact me my services are cheap. And yeah hopefully gonna record this coming april.
Coni: To record our pending songs and to go on tour with those General Luna chix…and yes to fuck Iya Villaña! Well I wanted to play every gig were invited to so It’s safe to say I want to play anywhere. So invite us to your parties. Also we just Recorded a dead ends song at Demiurge digital for the upcoming dead ends tribute compilation.
List of your albums that you guys released?
Romel:Demo (3x platinum), Green Album (19x Gold), New names for Old Desires (certified Myrrh) and Iron Mongoloid ep (2x Frankincense)
Pierminator Termuloid:Demo (7x platinums), Green Album (29x Gold,7x bronze), New names for Old Desires (certified Myth) and Iron Mongoloid ep (2x Frankincense)
Coni: 6 song demo, the green album aka the nuclear punishment ep, New names for old desire – [4 way split with Isvarah, Prayer of Endurance and Forgiveness Denied (rip)] and the Iron Mongoloid Ep w/c was sold out for the expensive price of 20php.
Which of your album stood out in your opinion?
Romel:Iron Mongoloid ep personally stood out the most. yes the way we released it was crap as hell but our songs there were better compare to what we did before.
Pierminator Termuloid:Iron Mongoloid EP. Wait for LP at billboard chart this year.
Coni: I love them all, like a father tries to love’s his sons evenly.
Last question tell us why we should listen to Nuclear Punishment?
romel:because if you don't we'll kill you. This is hard to answer and a lot of Metal guys out there won't dig our shit and I don't blame them, we are the worst band that you can listen to and we don't have much to offer. But one thing I can say in our 8 year existence, we never followed any trend.
Pierminator Termuloid:We intend to create music that listeners may find it hard to listen to, for us, that's our achievement.. We're not gonna blend in today's trends and once our mom's start to dance with grooves of NP, we quit. If you have the same philosophy then I dare you to listen to us.
Coni: Don’t read the lyrics, don’t decipher and compare the music… just feel the elation we emanate while we satisfy your senses. Thank s for the intie and in behalf of my party party list, Keep an open mind ya all
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Monday, November 21, 2011
After that, we went to Vinyl on vinyl gallery for the exhibit of a graffiti artist named Ungga.
For most of people this is vandalism, they do not see how this kind of art transform a wall into an art piece, and that's what the event is all about. "His vision is to create art that society will accept. Armed with a spray can, a bucket of paint and a blank wall as his canvas"
While we're inside VoV, it started to rain heavily, so we have no choice but to stay there and wait for the rain to stop so we can go to our next destination. Utter Dissent, at Kalye Art Gallery.
When the rain stopped, we walked all the way from Makati, to Singalong.
When we arrived, i saw the Ivan of Coche Bomba, already taking a rest. Badly, we were late.
So to treat myself, fetched 450 pesos from my pocket and got myself a shirt and cd of Coche Bomba, and had them signed. A very good deal.
What we missed
Thanks Ralph Quijano and Angelo Fan and CRAPSALAD for covering the event..
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